Number 98
fall 2020
Now available!
Featured In This Issue
Featured In This Issue
Tim Erwin, “Prizes”
Mi Jin Kim, “The Prince”
Jane E. McCafferty, “If You Loved Me, We’d Be Home Now”
Janice Obuchowski, “Self-Preservation”
Jack Ortiz, “They’re More Afraid of You”
Jackie Thomas-Kennedy, “Bronze”
Bryn Chancellor, “Arterial”
Mark Cox, “Journey to the Interior”
Dawn D’Aries, “The Super’s Wife”
Chachi Hauser, “Imagineering”
Bridget A. Lyons, “Tangled”
Jim Banks, “Water Spirit,” “Night Fish and Father”
Hadara Bar-Nadav, “Ligature,” “[Trust Us],” “Pharmakon”
Marianne Boruch, “Reading Pliny in Australia, I Almost Believe,” “Even in Death after that Outback Hit and Run, the Emu Keeps Speaking,” “At Tidbinbilla, Pond Four, Australia”
Paola Bruni, “Seamstress,” “Sweet Curses”
Ralph Burns, “Suicide,” “Block”
Katy Chrisler, “Point in Time,” “Therapy for Liars”
Peter Cooley, “Ghost of a Moment”
Jim Daniels, “Dropping the Needles”
Blas Falconer, “Heredity,” “Legacy”
Amy Fleury, “Eastbound I-10: Houston to Lake Charles”
John Gallaher, “Your Father, Dreaming (Architecture 96)”
Brian Henry, “Prior Authorization”
Noor Hindi, “In a Dream, I Get Married in an Abandoned Mall”
Maria Hummel, “Third Wish”
Christopher Kempf, “Good Death,” “Art of Fielding; Or, The Night the Turf Tore Open”
Vandana Khanna, “Dear O—,” “[The oracles don’t want me]”
Kamilah Aisha Moon, “Patch,” “Summer Prayer Over Fresh Graves”
Juan J. Morales, “Dream of the Bird Tattoo,” “Dream of Synchronicity”
William Olsen, “De Corporus de Humanus Fabricus,” “Of”
Sebastián Hasani Páramo, “Footage of Us Playing,” “Hibiscus”
Jeremy Radin, “Belly-God,” “Carl’s Jr.”
Ali Rashid, Translated by Saleh Razzouk, “Drowned men plow the whiteness,” “A grass-blade”
Daniel Schonning, “Aleph with all, all with Aleph”
Diane Seuss, “[The fat suffering of the farrowing sow. Salty-sweet of blood and hay],” “[The patriarch of Jesus Camp is dead! Father of Greg who dragged a giant cross],” “[The White Rabbit was before the high-rise, bras stuffed with socks, you can]”
G.C. Waldrep, “[West Stow Orchard (V)],” “[Dinefwr Castle (II)],” “Denizen (West Stow Orchard)”
Ricardo Wilson, “Thresholds”
Susan Klein, Weathered Cement and Ladybugs © 2014. Oil on panel. 40” x 32”.