Number 101
spring 2022
Featuring fiction from Marian Crotty, Hugh Sheehy, and Kris Willcox; poetry from Marianne Chan, April Gibson, Chi Kyu Lee, Derek Otsuji, Katie Jean Shinkle, and NaBeela Washington; nonfiction from Rhea Ramakrishnan and Kiyoko Reidy, among other magnificent work.
Featured In This Issue
Featured In This Issue
Louise Barry, “If He Asks, I Can’t Lie”
Marian Crotty, “Near Strangers”
Katherine Damm, “Canvassing for Bees”
Stephanie Macias, “Yo, Woman!”
Hugh Sheehy, “Demonology, or Gratitude”
Kris Willcox, “In May”
Grey Wolfe LaJoie, “Still”
Rhea Ramakrishnan, “The Death Drive”
Kiyoko Reidy, “A More Complete Truth”
Brenna Womer, “Quiverfull”
Christopher Bakka, “A Prima Vista”
Ciaran Berry, “The Castro Theater”
Paola Bruni, “Red Footed Booby: A Bird Visitation”
Marianne Chan, “Tiger, Tiger,” “Between Apartments”
Gregory Dunne, “Quiet Blizzard”
Rasheena Fountain, “Last, Seattle’s Magnificent Forest! ” “At Home in a Mined Body,” “Trending as Ghosts”
Daniel Garcia, “What I’m Trying to Say Is,” “Kairos”
April Gibson, “Ghazal for a Fast, Black Girl Gazing from a Locked Window,” “Vestiges”
Aiden Heung, “Insomnia Mania”
L. A. Johnson, “Visions of a Kitchen, One December Night,” “Names”
Chi Kyu Lee, “[orange],” “The Hyphen,” “Drool”
Nicole W. Lee, “My Mother, the Moon,” “Night-Light,” “This Kind of Hunger”
Grace Li, “Pluto,” “Mid-Autumn Moon,” “Chords for October”
Oksana Maksymchuk, “Signs of Life,” “Missed Connections”
Forester McClatchey, “On the Nature of Yes”
Sarah Fathima Mohammed, “On Marriage”
Shonté Murray-Daniels, “No One’s Daughter,” “To My Hands”
Derek N. Otsuji, “The Owl of Winter,” “The Flight of Chrysomallos”
Isaac Pickell, “it doesn’t matter who started it,” “the future is not an option”
Ayesha Shibli, “My Mother and I Resurrect Our Dead”
Katie Jean Shinkle, “[Polaroid of] pile of cloth, calico inebriation,” “[Polaroid of] the biggest crowd you have ever seen”
Emma Soberano, “Herida / Herencia,” “Ritual sacrifice of micro-aggressors”
Pablo Piñero Stillmann, “September,” “While My Niece Reads from the Torah,” “The Whole Is Never Whole”
Grace Wagner, “November Birth”
Tianru Wang, “American Kestrel”
NaBeela Washington, “On Carrying Grease Ghazal,” “Why Do We Set the Table?” “They Say We Don’t Really Know Our Parents and I Think About This Often”
Sandra M. Yee, “dinner tonight is not a bird but its feathers,” “tumbleweed”
J.Otto Seibold, California (after the fires) © 2021. Spray-paint on birch laminate. 36” x 36”