
46Pd :: Fights! & Smites &! Repulsor Rays!

Rosebud Ben-Oni | Poetry

Romance it slant: the petawatt lasers & superspeed, rewire reflex & human

fragility. A real Howard Hughes allegory: all jets, tuxedo, trumped-up tech

never quite correct: that impending death is somewhat far-

fetched: I’m not that toxic

nor that dense. I shine galactic ballroom on the jetset, make the entrance

as eminent catalyst for tragic

godhead: Athena herself impaled my namesake

on accident & embraced our name in regret

& still— the real upset: a sky father who lost

heart to an arc

reactor— so yes, for a good while, I carried the war, carried the one

& doubled the shrapnel— yet it was not me—it must be said—

but the remainder radiating upon inner demons who fed

the same survival that poisons heart & head—