Personal Protection Equipment
Amy Gaeta | Poetry
Look elsewhere—eye contact creates an agenda
Click the Manage Participants tab for public health
Touch only your surfaces
If you feel others, it can become severe
Close contact with the virtual is waiting
Unlike an in-person event, make it kinky
risk everything, control nothing
Masks are ill-advised in the chat box
Undetectable exposure is all parts of life
Intimacy spreads through crowds
abstaining indefinitely may cause
Your app to crash; chills are a symptom
If you live, kiss everyone
Only if they are experiencing fever
Amy Gaeta is a poet, activist, and PhD candidate in Literary Studies and Visual Cultures at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Her poetic and scholarly work focuses on the collision of disability, gender, technology, and what it means to be human in the 21st century. Amy arranges aspects of disability studies and feminist technoscience studies in her efforts to promote collective justice and mend the gap between activism, art, and academia.
VR Smurfs by Avatar of user Giu Vicente Giu Vicente @giuvicente Giu Vicente