Let’s Go*
Majda Gama | Poetry
I too like the nightlife baby the sun downing over
the curvature of my day as twilight spreads outward
into rooms where makeup is laid out like ritual
tools in a tomb this is an afterlife
from job & family the constant gaze of people
who clutch throats or their children when I pass
three kinds of black eyeliner before me
kohl, liquid, pancake three mascaras colored jet
amber oil in glass blended into last night’s smoke
I spend an hour on my asymmetrical eyes
when I was a weak infant my mother fastened
a 24-karat gold safety pin bearing an eye
charm to my breast for protection dusk to dawn
it was almost prophecy this leaving of home
to kick & flail into the fabric of the night
*this poem shares a title with a song by The Cars
Majda Gama is the author of The Call of Paradise selected by Diane Seuss as winner of the 2022 Two Sylvias chapbook prize. Her full-length poetry manuscript won the 2023 Wandering Aengus Book Award and will be published in 2025. She is the 2023 Shenandoah Graybeal-Gowen award recipient for Virginia poets. Her poems have recently appeared in The Adroit Journal, where she is a 2024 Gregory Djanikian scholar, Ploughshares, POETRY, Prairie Schooner, Shenandoah, Tahoma, and We Call to the Eye & the Night (Persea Press) an anthology of love poems by Arab Anglophone poets.