It doesn't hurt to be a girl I'm told
Emma Sovich | Poetry
Tip within feels boyish to match without
but otherwise. These folk say doesn’t hurt
to be a girl. Better girl crowned emeralds.
The girls Tip’s met prepostured. Weaponized
and orderly. Ranked. They were poised to seize
the world but tumbled. So many emeralds.
Tip pulls his hair wonders how a girl would.
All these eyes on his chest expecting. All
these eyes his friends’ her people’s. How a girl
would love everything in her kingdom
equally. How to live up.
Emma Sovich is a book artist and poet who teaches in Maryland. Her recent poems can be found in Denver Quarterly and Crab Orchard Review. Her artist’s books have been shown in seven states, and have homes in the libraries of Indiana University, University of Florida, and elsewhere. Find out more at: emmasovich.com.
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