How Do We Get to the Sun
Ryan Collins | Poetry
We satellite & globally position & triangulate echoes. Bodies revolve
..around bodies & we listen to what’s
obscured. We hear ourselves, listen to the mirror arrays aimed
..to soak the sun out of heaven & sustain the
revolutions per minute carrying us door to door, out of windows,
..over the shoulders of mountain passes.
Like salt through an hourglass, these are the sands through our
..fingers, each crashing into open water like
calving glaciers. Time & distance collapse into the warm breath of
..the nothing, rising off the steaming ice,
cloud shadows on the mountain we’ve emptied & fortified into our
..last fortress, where we outlast the sun.
Ryan Collins is the author of A New American Field Guide & Song Book. Recent poems have appeared in Apartment, Two Peach, The Pinch, Poor Claudia, sidereal magazine, Columbia Poetry Review, and Zócalo Public Square. He lives in Rock Island, Illinois.
Featured Image by David von Diemar