Holy Mother
Jeanine Walker | Poetry
“We are preaching about the Holy Mother,”
the boy says to me, in English now. I admit
feeling interest—really? holy mother?—but
when he says, “Do you have time?
Three minutes?” I reconsider.
I know what “three minutes” means
when it comes to proselytizing on the street.
I picture myself, a half hour from now,
drowning in the words I don’t know—
I tried, actually, but never got through
a memorization of Korean church language—
attempting to find reason after reason
to get away. They’ll follow me to the café,
where I intend to write a poem,
read a book, work, the things I truly love.
I step away but they persist, smiles bright.
I tried to be part of an organized religion,
but a single doctrine never stuck well to me.
I’m lonely here today, homesick, and talking
to people who won’t turn away doesn’t sound
so bad. I say okay. They begin. I don’t
understand but nod into the cold sun.
All day long I feel like crying. I fight
with my mother on the phone. I tell my husband
I can’t talk long, just because. I lie in bed
for an extra six hours but never end up falling
asleep. I’m lonely for this place already, homesick
for the world I’ll be leaving behind. I can’t stop
thinking I’ll never come back. It’s so far.
I can see why these young people choose
to spend their sunny day out on the street
preaching about God. It’s much nicer
to believe in ever than never. Now I want
to lay my head on her soft, robed lap.
Jeanine Walker is the author of The Two of Them Might Outlast Me (Groundhog Poetry Press, 2022). She has received writing fellowships from Artist Trust, The Jack Straw Cultural Center, Wonju, UNESCO City of Literature, and Inprint. Her poems, essays, and translations have appeared or are forthcoming in Poetry, Bennington Review, Denver Quarterly, HAD, New Ohio Review, Pleiades, Prairie Schooner, and elsewhere. A poet with a Ph.D. in Creative Writing and Literature from the University of Houston, Jeanine is a long-time poetry teacher in Seattle and has recently taught English at Kangwon National University in Chuncheon, South Korea.