Abecedarian Where Starlight is Sadness & Sadness is the Night
Jieyan Wang | Poetry
Already the universe
blinks. Blinks like a
child ready to believe.
Clear, capable. Holding this
door open to let
dreams in & touch their
echo. This echo. Asking to
fade, fade into evening, its mighty
gusts. All this time we
have been by the sea. This water
hushing us awake. Breathe it in: this
I. How in its small mind it
joins soft land with this vast
kiss of blue. Thinking shore-
line, curved line, this line…
Long I have wanted to
mimic the world. To
murmur a word that begins with
null & ends in exaltation.
Ocean, ocean the wind
praises the ocean & its
questioning. Where do
ripples lead to? In which
ring of darkness do dreams
sleep? Dear world, I have
tried to make a new
truth out of you. One which
ushers in my mother’s whispering
voice—I know you. Night:
warm, vital. Mapped with a lone
x. Here it is the x says Every picture
you call for. Echo: it stretches into this
yonder, bluing. All of a sudden—
zillions of birds rising to life.
Jieyan Wang is a college senior at Harvard University. Her work has previously appeared in the Cincinnati Review, Colorado Review, Gulf Coast, Michigan Quarterly Review, Pleiades, and elsewhere.