The Day Before Genocide
Iqra Khan | Poetry
The living room shrinks to the slanting
autumn daylight/ a Bollywood musical
rolls through the hills
at the lowest volume/ the lovers presumably
kiss behind the rosebush
on the screen/ love, a trimmed
scene/ they’re breeding like rats
a balding man screams
at my teacup from the front
page of the daily/ the chicken sits for hours
on the countertop/ lime and peppers
burn through muscle and fat, a tendering
of death/ the sweet gloom
of sundown, a city of grenadine/ I am left
with the losing end of a wish-
-bone/ who knew nationing
was a masonry
of smallness/ the dominion
of your smile
widens with threat/ nevertheless
Iqra Khan is a Pushcart-nominated poet, activist, and lawyer. Her poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Pidgeonholes, Denver Quarterly, Apogee, Four Way Review, HAD, Palette Poetry, Baltimore Review, Kitchen Table Quarterly, and The Bombay Review. Her work is centered around the experiences of the brown Muslim body, collective nostalgia and the aspirations of her endangered community.