The New Bed
Ryan Mattern | Poetry
In the new bed, I swim in your hair
while the sound of the highway
laps at the windows. The moon,
a quiet light, a fabled cave ocher.
Your body tosses, rapt in some dream,
over the dogs and the cat who watch
the shadows track up and across
the walls with disinterest.
I can feel it now, the heartbeat
you’d asked of me, in the spot
between my smallest toes.
I should stop here.
We woke up too long later
with hungry animals and wet sunlight.
A hurricane found home in the city.
They gave it a girl’s name.
Ryan Mattern holds a BA in Creative Writing from California State University, San Bernardino and MA in English from the University of California, Davis. He is the recipient of the Felix Valdez Award for Short Fiction. His work has been published in Ghost Town, THE2NDHAND, Poetry Quarterly, and The Red Wheelbarrow, among others. He currently serves in the United States Army.
Featured Image by Denys Nevozhai